the second festival of brown has finished. the final event featured once again the slideshow of international photographers, as well as improvised vocal music, poetry performance and video produced during the festival. our heartfelt thanks to the photographers who contributed to the slideshow and to all participants, administrators and supporters. http://www.flickr.com/groups/1151349@N25/ http://www.flickr.com/groups/1521216@N22/ a book of the experience is available through blurb. it contains pictures of participants by participants as well as photographs of some of the works shown in the exhibition and of the workshops which were held. it is available for inspection here, without any obligation to purchase! http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/1790837?ce=blurb_ew&ut.. we are very happy! this has been good.

the festival of brown 2010 is coming to its end.

There will be a party, performance and gathering at the ecomuseo in montalegre (the 'espaço padre fontes') on saturday 18th of december to say goodbye.
many good friends of brown will be there.

there will be

improvised vocal music in the brown style

a performance based around the poem 'things to say about brown'

the first full showing of the workshop video 'sopa de pedra' (http://vimeo.com/17813575) edited from material recorded at the festival's opening weekend and

the video 'sonhos lúcidos, viagem na amazónia".

the committee wishes to sincerely thank all of the helpers and participants, the performers, artists and workers who have given their time and effort and contributed to the success of this festival. we are glad to have helped to make something interesting and delighted to see it develop around and beyond us. we look forward happily to the next festival, whenever, wherever and however that will come about.


O festival do castanho 2010 está a acabar.

Haverá festa no Ecomuseu de Montalegre (no espaço Padre Fontes) no dia 18 de dezembro para a despedida com muitos dos amigos do castanho.

para animar a festa teremos:

Improvisação de música vocal em estilo castanho.

Uma performance, baseada no poema 'coisas a dizer sobre o castanho'.

Estreia do vídeo 'sopa da pedra' editado com material gravado durante o fim de semana da abertura.

Projecção do vídeo 'sonhos lúcidos, viagem na amazónia'.

O grupo do castanho deseja sinceramente agradecer a todas as pessoas que o ajudaram a realizar; aos participantes, performers, artistas e trabalhadores, que deram o seu tempo e esforço e, que contribuiram para o sucesso do festival.
Nos estamos muito contentes por ter ajudado a fazer algo interessante e encantador!

Quando, aonde e com quem,
esperamos, positivamente realizar um outro festival!

parabéns e obrigado
we made a little book about the event
fizemos um pequeno livro sobre o evento

o próximo evento no dia 12 de novembro:

......apesar das ameaças de tormentas outonais, a visita ao pisão foi interessante, com o pisoeiro a ensinar-nos in situ o funcionamento do engenho de pisoar lã e produzir burel, para capas e mantas. A refeição micológica incluiu kirsch de cogumelos, sopa de cogumelos, cogumelos com vitela. O pisoeiro é também conhecedor das espécies desta região. Na viagem tivemos a sorte de apreciar o nascimento de uma cria de vaquinha barrosa, nascida em pleno lameiro. Vimos a igreja velha, os sarcófagos medievais, o poço de entrada de uma misteriosa galeria subterrânea, os carvalhos da cruz, juntando os patrimónios naturais e construídos, em pleno burgo de Salto antigo. No Museu Casa do Capitão vimos o filme sobre o mesmo pisão, realizado em 1970 pela equipa do Instituto de Göttinger, com o pai do actual pisoeiro em laboração.

.....e no dia 31 de outubro em Salto:

participe no dia 24 de outubro

day one, friday

the festival opened
with a brief introduction from sabine portela, the now traditional reading of 'things to say about brown' in english and portuguese (the latter version read by the heroic maria carvalho) and a short speech by the representative of the câmara municipal of montalegre, fátima fernandes. there were a surprising number of television and radio crews present, and sabine and maria were each interviewed several times. even peter pick, who is too stupid to speak portuguese was interviewed, and when asked if there was anything else he would like to say replied 'no'.

the exhibition, which continues until december the 15th over four floors of the ecomuseu, features work in ceramics, painting, sculpture, installation, photography and fabric, and some things that are not quite any of these, or are a combination of several. it contains work by 39 different artists and was duly
explored, enjoyed and discussed by the gathered people

there was port wine and small nibbles which tasted of lentils and possibly olives. i did not get enough of these. there was then music from laptop, tenor sax, trumpet and percussion, involving young musicians josé alves, and simão and tomás ferreira. this was surprisingly successful considering that the musicians had only two sessions to become accustomed to each other, and people sat, listened and even clapped. the slideshow of photographs from four continents was shown.

day two, saturday

the programme of workshops began, with shari baker and mark sullivan initiating their gruelling (for them) and popular and rewarding (for participants) series of video and audio experiments. the aim of these workshops was to encourage the participants to explore new ways of working with and new ideas about video, audio and their combination.

rita miranda, who had already prepared the ground in a literal sense, digging and hoeing the area she had claimed for fornos na terra began this very intriguing and popular workshop in the morning. participants watered a small square of ground, buried a foot, or sometimes a hand within it and waited until it solidified, then removing the foot (or whatever part of their anatomy they had immured) and leaving a hollow space which was then used as a mould for a cast in plaster of paris. when these were recovered and washed the resultant objects were both surprising and delightful.

a bus was organised to take people to the casa do capitão, salto, where í
caro had set up his exhibition/installation/experience equilíbrio. he gave a short talk and played a video before releasing the assembled multitude into the outside world where the various arrangements of sticks, blocks, nails and and stones awaited. an enchanted couple of hours ensued, in which the assembly reverted to childhood, playing with great concentration and seriousness, balancing the various pieces in various ways whilst being hampered by a tricky wind. enjoyment and even delight were widespread, perhaps universal as person after person attempted to achieve a moment of perfect equilibrium.

after the mass return from salto there was a 'fashion show' - desfile de roupa - featuring the clothes made by meg (maria eugénia gomes) and fatima gavinho, which were worn
with charm, humour and elan by brave young volunteers. this was followed by the showing of the programme of videos which featured work by shari baker, shari baker and mark sullivan, peter pick, and rita miranda. some applause was heard, and this series of videos should be played at intervals throughout the exhibition for those interested.

in the early evening, trepidatious but obedient to their schedule, mark sullivan, peter pick and the heroically creative ícaro began jamming with laptop, guitar and voice in the projection room, but sabine appeared and said everyone wanted to eat, and jamming would be better done outside, and later. the participants looked worried and reluctant, but headed off to the restaurant anyway.
pick complained about how his laptop wouldn't be audible without amplification, and mark looked even more doubtful than before, adopting the gait of a sulking bear. nevertheless they reconvened at about 9.30 on the terrace, which was now illuminated by paper-bag lanterns. mark gave a learned disquisition about these, which he claims are in use at mexican funerals, but we just think they're pretty. there followed an hour and a half or more of quite sublime participatory music-making of which i am most proud. in this time the entire gathering contributed to the ongoing improvisation which was initiated by peter pick, whose contribution was soon transcended by that of carolina teixeira, and adorned and supplanted by ícaro (vitor pires) while mark sullivan returned from his long shambling walk to play a borrowed 3/4 size classical guitar with skill, intelligence and determination. my heartfelt thanks go out to all present - i
do not think anyone there did not join in at some point, in some way, and their mere presence was telling. we came there with nothing and made something good. it is my view that there is no higher form of creativity than that.

the feeling after the saturday of the festival was exceptionally good, even the recalcitrant doctor pick smiled and talked to strangers like a human being, and everyone went away happy.

day three, sunday

sunday began with joao sá leading his eco-arte experience, which involved a ritualistic engagement with leaves and stones in an open air setting just below the castle. blindfolded participants were carefully led to a walled area where they chose and arranged stones, periodically called to rest and centre themselves by the ringing of a small bell. those involved seemed to find it a rewarding experience, and the arrangements of stones and pebbles surrounded by leaves that were left by the process were themselves an attractive testament.

in the early evening shari baker and mark sullivan, beset by technical difficulties involving a projector which would not recognise the laptop showed a video
compiled from the contributions of the participants in sopa da pedra, most of whom bravely contributed some live improvised soundscapes as the tension mounted.
enormous congratulations
thanks and good wishes

to all who participated in
the festival of brown 2010

which seems to have gone well despite my efforts.

painting and video and music and sculpture and ceramics and poetry and ritual and donkey rides and shamanic practices, a festival of participatory art of various sorts which can be revisited through the exhibition at the ecomuseu montalegre until december 15th

we came to this splendid place with only what we had, and we have made something good.

Oficinas/Workshops nos dias 4 e 5 de Setembro (encontrará os horários no programa abaixo mencionado)
Inscrições e mais informações:
ecomuseu do Barroso
telef. 276510203

"Ecoarte" por João Sá

"Fornos de terra" por Rita Miranda
Observar o poder de modelagem da terra, através da acção directa do gesso na terra.
Relacionar os participantes directamente com a terra.

Desenvolver um contacto directo com a cor castanho no nosso corpo (dos participantes) uma vez que a terra é amassada com as mãos e a acção implica estar descalço na terra.
Reconhecer a não perfeição e/ou a deformação provocada pela acção directa do gesso na terra através de um objecto ou mesmo de uma parte do corpo escolhida pelos participantes.
Apreciar o não controle (o poder de modelagem da terra por si só) das formas de cada objecto ou parte do corpo.

"Sopa da Pedra" por Shari Baker e Mark Valentine Sullivan
Using the Portuguese fable - 'Sopa de Pedra' as the starting point and over arching concept for the creative activities.
We intend to create - over the weekend - a large 'pot' of gathered media, which will then be used by the participants to 'mash-up' and remix to create individual 'performance' pieces - either to be recorded for playback, or for live performance. We hope to have a large 'sharing' at the end of the weekend. (Sunday evening)
making instruments using found objects
making animations using found objects
gathering found sounds using portable recorder
gathering found images using flips/cams
editing and performance - sound
editing and performance - video

Festival do Castanho - Programa de 3 Set. a 18 Dez. de 2010

Dia 3

Abertura do Festival do Castanho
Abertura das mesas de experimentação
Abertura do mercado dos produtos castanhos
Abertura das mesas de comida vegetariana
Inauguração do Festival do Castanho
Poesia por Peter Pick
Slideshow por fotógrafos internacionais
Música experimental por Tomás Ferreira, Peter Pick, José Alves, Simão Ferreira

Dia 4
Workshop som e vídeo "Sopa da Pedra" por Shari Baker e Mark Valentine Sullivan
Workshop "Fornos de terra" por Rita Miranda
Workshop "Sopa da Pedra"
Workshop "Ecoarte" por João Sá
Inauguração da exposição “EX-MACHINAE-equilibrium” do escultor Icaro - Salto
Projecção de video de Tânia Duarte e Ícaro e música - Salto
Projecção de videos de Shari Baker e Mark Sullivan - Rita Miranda - Peter Pick
Desfile por Fátima Gavinho e Meg
Música: Jam Session

Dia 5
Workshop "Sopa da Pedra"
Produção dos vídeos dos participantes na "Sopa da Pedra"
Projecção dos vídeos "Sopa da Pedra"
Exposição dos trabalhos resultantes "Fornos de terra" e "Ecoarte"

Dia 23

Caminhada com cogumelos

Dia 12

Quarteto de saxofones

Dia 18

Poesia por João Gesta
Entrega de catálogos aos participantes
Encerramento Festival do Castanho e exposição de Ícaro

Ecomuseu de Montalegre e de Salto

convidamos todos para participar

we invite everybody to participate


we have begun to select the photos for the slide-show from international photographers.....
começamos a selecção das fotos de fotógrafos internacionais para o slide-show......


the artists are:
os artistas são:

65mb, usa - *L, Luísa Cortesão, portugal - AH in Pgh, anne, usa - akiruna, Annemie Hiele, the netherlands - Alan Hitchcock, uk - Alembisque, John Daniels, uk - aliv94, russia - André Lima, portugal - anjamation, denmark - a saucerful, Anne Nomrowski, germany - athena glow - BisyBackson, marion, the netherlands - blopsmen, Pablo, uk/galiza - Bruce Grant, usa - bueno-antonioaugusto, Antônio Augusto Bueno, brazil - Calinago, Roy Wichert-Gonsalves, germany - Carlo Pedretti, italy - carolus croque, spain - casually krystina, krystina stimakovits, uk - ClaraL, canada - Dead Slow, Christopher Hall, usa - Didaar, iran/ uk - dontaylor, Don Taylor, usa - Dudu Linhares, brazil - fernandoprats, Fernando Prats, spain - finsmal, Mike Lusk, usa - floebee, Shari Baker, uk - Françoizyk, France - Friedel Callies, germany - Gabri Le Cabri, gabrielle cabri, france - gatalinkica, Vera, serbia - ghiro 1234, itália - giarcffej, Jeff Craig, usa - Gilles B, France - Hiroshi Matsumoto, japan - hphettich, hans-peter hettich, austria - htakat, Hercules k, greece - HWSH, ireland - iacubs, spain - ink in the well, japan - j neuberger, usa - j@cqued@nck , jacque, uruguay, jokin lara, spain, John Reiff, John Williams, usa - kate mellersh, Ireland -kpmst7, usa - laura sorrells, usa - l'homme de l'autre rive, jean-marc barrier, france - leopanta, petra, germany – Lerryn.Pics - Life Pilgrim, usa - linkwize, Ashley Holmes, australia - longhairbroad, Cynthia, usa - m@pestaartje, Maartje Jaquet, the netherlands - macdonnellies, Michael and Karen, australia and uk - marcel fernandes, brazil - mark valentine, mark sullivan, usa - mekron, Moshe Kron, israel - Miriam HMello, Miriam Homem de Mello, brazil - mxbchr, Max Bucher, switzerland - MyBukit, czech republic - normaltoilet, LSImages, canada - Or Hiltch, israel - Paloetic, australia - palofmine2, Renee, usa - peloche pan, france - peter pick, uk - pieposieske, netherlands - piblo, Thomas Hagström, sweden - pogonophobia, david swanson, uk - PredictorX, Will Dwinnell, usa - Robert in Toronto, Robert Wallace, canada - robert ragan, slovakia - rodrigo brito, spain - romana klee, usa - Ryan Brookes, india - sabine portela, portugal/ uk - Samm Bennett, japan – sisasola, Anja, germany - sonofsteppe, Csaba Molnár, hungary - spezoid, Steve Teso, usa - Steffen Tuck, australia - Stillriverside, usa - the unbearable brightness of seeing, andré van der ree, the netherlands - the workers' opposition, Rohan Quinby, usa - TiC's wonderland, Daniela Huser, switzerland - Tim R Edwards, uk - tlate hiin, Takako, usa/ japan - ubik14, evan, usa - ubych, edyta, poland - undeplus, france - urban gazelle, Jen, usa - Werner Schnell, germany - xurxo do medio, galicia - yuu99, yuko sakuma, japan.

your noble, overworked and self-sacrificing committee is now able to publish a provisional list of the participants in the

apart from the fixed exhibition of visual art which will remain in situ for the extent of the festival there is also to be a programme of performances, workshops and experiences in the ECO-MUSEU and the castle grounds on the opening weekend, from friday september 3rd to sunday september 5th. these are intended to include experimental music and poetry, (friday night); classical music, (saturday night); and live audio-video mixing (sunday evening).

anyone wishing to participate in either the video/music workshops planned for saturday and sunday or the art experience with João Sá should get in touch as soon as possible with the committee at brownfestival@yahoo.com.

all proposals were gratefully received and have been carefully considered, and the international cast of contributors is confirmed as follows (barring unforseen disasters).

Sabine Portela
Annerose Schmidt

António Alijó
José Manuel Arantes
Adriana da Silva Barros
Maria Carvalho
Maria João Castro
centoecatorze-espaço de criações artísticas:
Marisa Alves I Marc Brocal I Joaquim Pombal I Felissa Rosado
Ivone Costa
Tânia Duarte
Arlindo Fagundes
António Fernandes
Marta Figueroa
Fátima Gavinho
Maria Eugenia Gomes
Christina Kalberlah
Carlos Lobato
Aurora Marques
Jorge Paulo Leal Martins
Paula Maurício
Rita Miranda
Barbara Morais
Miguel Neto
Iolanda Parente
Ramir Oliveira
Georgina Queiroz
João Sá
Zé Teixeira
Alberto Vieira
Flávia Vieira

Eva Casado Blanco
Xaime Piñeiro

The Netherlands
Ben Hengeveld
Mary Hengeveld
Lukkien Hoiting
Mieke Qualm

United Kingdom
Shari Baker
Peter Pick

Mark Valentine Sullivan

all manner of things

things are warming up in the world of brown. the date for proposals for the festival has now passed and the international committee of jurors are preparing for a brutal and extended session of what the politicians love to call "tough decisions" in their remote mountain fastness, cloistered away from the inevitable media glare.

it seems likely now that there will be video and environmental art workshops and a programme of musical performances on the first weekend, a slideshow of international photographers, a rolling programme of videos throughout the three months of the festival and a fixed exhibition spread over three sites featuring sculpture, painting, ceramics and some strange machines.

as the vultures circle lazily in the sky around their monastic retreat, your humble committee turns its attention to the preparation of a truly intriguing and energetic event.

naturally, if it's anything like last year very little of what is now certain will remain true.

"castanho é a cor das árvores que eu pinto num dia de outono"

"castanho é a cor da terra que hoje me alimenta"

"castanho é a cor da minha pele num dia de verão"

"castanho é cor, é energia, é frescura!"

Convido-te para participares no segundo festival internacional do castanho com uma a três obras pensadas na cor e no sentido do castanho .
Até final do mês de Junho gostaríamos de receber as imagens das obras (dimensão de fotos até 1 MB cada) que vais mostrar, assim como também as dimensões e a forma de as expor, as obras não devem ultrapassar 185 centímetros de altura e 140 centímetros de largura (85 centímetros para esculturas) - em peça única - no entanto, dependendo da sua forma e peso poderam ser aceites outros tamanhos.

envia para mail: brownfestival@yahoo.com

O Festival irá decorrer de 3 de Setembro a 15 de Dezembro 2010.

Nos dias 3 e 4 de Setembro haveram experimentações, das artes expostas, com os artistas disponíveis a interagir com o publico.

Nos dias 3, 4 e 5 Setembro haverá um mercado de obras dos participantes.

chamada para submissões para o festival, com um foco particular na fotografia, pintura, escultura, vídeo e actividades (workshops etc.) para os dias de abertura
call for submissions for the festival, with a particular focus on photography, painting, sculpture, video and activities (workshops etc.) for the opening days.

datas importantes important dates

propostas até dia 30 de junho 2010
proposals until 30th of june 2010
selecção dos participantes até dia 31 de julho
selection of the participants until 31st of july
entrega das obras até dia 27 de agosto
delivery of work until 27th of august
abertura do festival da cor castanho dias 3 até 5 de setembro
opening of the festival on 3rd to 5th of september

todas as propostas podem ser enviadas para o endereço brownfestival@yahoo.com
you can send all your proposals to the following address brownfestival@yahoo.com

a call for entries

your humble committee is proud and a little amazed to announce that after considering the various options presented to us the second festival of brown will be held from september to december in the ecomuseu in montalegre, trás-os-montes, portugal. this is an exciting new venue equipped with modern video technology set next to the castle in a town most famous for its gatherings of witches. montalegre is set deep in the northeast corner of portugal among mountains and woods, mists and moors on the edge of the gerês national park.

we could not be more pleased about this, it is a venue which will enable us to display not only a collection of fixed objects but an extensive and shifting selection of moving images, music and slideshows. it is for this reason that we now issue an early call for submissions for the event, with a particular focus on photography, painting, sculpture, and video. we intend to collate all entries and make our selection in may and june, giving us time both to assemble an exciting programme and to plan for its most advantageous display. proposals for workshops during this extended period will also be welcomed.


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