festival of brown 2012 | festival do castanho 2012

this year the festival of brown will happen in two different places. after three succesful years in portugal we are expanding and holding one event in paradela, portugal and one in brighton, england.
from the 17th to the 23rd of september we will gather a group of artists at the coach house, kemptown, brighton in order to create and stage an exhibition/performance the form and style of which will be entirely dependent on the participants. we hope that many of our old friends will join us and we welcome new artists in our continuing celebration of the colour brown.

participants in the festival will not have to pay anything, it will be free. food may be provided.

on the 17th, 19th, 20th, and 21st of september from 6:00pm onwards we will meet at the coach house, a lovely room hidden inside the block of houses on walpole road, brighton and plan our event. we have few preconceptions about the event and we welcome artists in all media to join collectively in its creation, production and realisation. all we know is that it will be open to the public, will take place on sunday the 23rd of september and will celebrate the colour brown.

this is a great opportunity for artists to collaborate in an open, collective project. so often art is pursued alone, but we seek to hunt it in a pack judging that we may have more or different success by this means. we already have expressions of interest from dancers, musicians, writers, videographers, painters and photographers. we hope that you will come too and join this unique and exciting project.
all expressions of interest please to email:


Este ano o grupo do castanho decidiu que o 4º festival do castanho irá realizar-se em dois universos diferentes em Paradela - Montalegre e em Brighton - Inglaterra.
O 4º Festival do Castanho, a decorrer entre os dias 1 e 8 de Setembro de 2012, em Paradela do Rio, concelho de Montalegre, com o tema, "AS PERSONAGENS DO CASTANHO".

Será a oportunidade de participarmos num projecto de arte aberto e colectivo.
Pretende-se inventar as personagens do castanho, através das várias expressões artísticas, cujas obras a desenvolver serão realizadas de forma coletiva e deverão ser concebidas para ficarem expostas em espaço público na aldeia de Paradela do Rio.

contato: festivalofbrown@gmail.com.
